Can Dogs Eat Egg Shells?

A dog is, no doubt, a lifelong companion for billions of people whether they’re living in the United States, Asia, or Europe. Regular grooming of the dog and taking good care of its mental, and physical simulation is important. But nobody can deny the importance of a healthy diet. So, some people ask “Can dogs eat eggshells?”. 

Yes, they can eat egg shells as it contains important calcium and phosphorus nutrients for your dog’s healthy bones. Irresponsible usage of eggshells can cause serious pain and injury in the throat. So, we can ground them into powder before feeding them. In this article, we will learn about potential risks, benefits, and some other useful information that will help in gaining good health for your dog.

Can dogs eat Egg shells?

Benefits of Feeding Eggshells

Teeth, Bones and Hearts Strength

Eggshells provide additional nutritional support that supports teeth, bones, and hearts. But take care in their preparation to minimize potential risks for any negative or bad reactions.

Calcium – A Vital Mineral

Dogs, like Golden Mountain, Moyen Poodle, Micro Bully and Miniature Goldendoodle, should eat eggshells as they’re an excellent natural source of calcium. Calcium is a vital mineral for dogs’ teeth, bones, and muscle function. It is also beneficial for the heart and complete nervous system of the dog. 

Dogs can egg shells

Reduction in Pain and Joint Stiffness

The membrane of shells from the inside contains many vitamins and minerals which are not optional but rather essential for their good health. Ingredients, glucosamine, collagen, and chondroitin, help the dog in the reduction of pain and joint stiffness. So, remain confident of the fact that your dog will get a lot of hidden benefits.

Cost-effective Solution to Handle Bacteria’s

Eggshells offer multiple benefits when we add them to a dog’s potting soil as they become an additional source of calcium. The procedure is cost-effective and the chances of harmful bacteria attacks become minimal. One drawback of the process is that it may cause stomach issues, irritation and even bloating!

Lysine and Vitamin E

Egg shells contain plenty of lysine and vitamin E. Both components are essential to improve the immunity system of dogs, especially those suffering from diabetes. Lysine at times helps in managing their blood sugar.

Some Additional Benefits

Eggshells offer more than just calcium. They can serve as an effective means of controlling garden pests such as snails. It can also be used as a fertilization aid for your plants apart from the primary purpose of making your dog, whether a Snickerdoodle, Red Nose Pitbull or Black Goldendoodle, healthy and strong.

Can Dogs Eat Egg shells? Potential Risks

Do eggshells contain benefits and there aren’t any side effects when your dog eats eggshells? That’s not true. There are some potential risks involved with the said diet. Let’s discuss them one by one:

Weak Digestive System

Raw eggs contain salmonella bacteria which is technically unsafe for puppies or pregnant pets. You can reduce the risk by cooking or boiling the shells. Sharp edges on uncrushed eggshells may irritate your sweet dog’s throat. It can harm the digestive system directly and cause serious health complications.

excessive dog shells eating

Serious Health Issues

Eggshells contain enormous amounts of calcium and it can lead to dietary imbalances. It can negatively affect the metabolism and vitamin D of your dog’s body. Serious health issues can erupt within a shorter span.

Tips to Use Eggshells Effectively

The importance of eggshells is unquestioned but whenever we want to feed our dog with them, we should grind or crush them into powder. Plain or raw usage is very risky. We need to ensure complete absorption of calcium.

Organic Farm as a Source

Before selecting eggshells to feed your dog, ensure they come from organic farms or free-range chickens. The objective is to remain safe from harmful chemicals or substances such as salmonella. Wash all eggshells before using them as they can contain bacteria which can be dangerous for their health. 

Washing, Baking or Boiling Shells

Before giving eggshells to your dog, it is necessary to wash, bake, or boil them and grind them into powder before adding them to their food. This method protects their digestive systems from possible injury. 

Never Use Alternative to Normal Diet

After washing, baking, and grinding eggshells into powder form, they can easily be added to a dog’s meal for a safe source of calcium. But remember that eggshells, alone as a source of calcium, have the potential to cause imbalance and skeletal issues. A professional vet can be consulted at any point in time.

Should My Dog Eat Egg Shells – Final Verdict

Dogs can eat Eggshells

Egg shells are beneficial for dogs so your dog can eggshells without any hesitation. But remember that when it is provided in a balanced form, then it’s beneficial. Otherwise, over-diet can cause serious issues.

Dog eating dog shell

Improved Health Condition

Eggshells cannot be used as an alternative diet for the dogs. It strengthens joints muscles, nervous system and even helps in improved heart condition. What else do you want in a dog’s diet? Overall, it’s just a marvelous diet.    


Eggshells will provide extra calcium to your lovely dog without any risk when it’s controlled. But replacing them with the proper diet is not a good solution. You will see an overall improvement in the health of your dog. So, don’t hesitate to feed your dog as dogs can egg shells.  

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