German Shepherd: History, Appearance, Health & Price

People who don’t have heard about German Shepherds may have come from another Planet. The breed is very famous undeniably. But why? What makes the said dog so special that we see them everywhere from police checkpoints, sensitive installations, and even in the house?

Well! A German Shepherd is much more than a trivial dog. It will protect you even if it has to sacrifice its own life; that’s true! A highly intelligent, smart, and active dog with a lot of affection and care for their owners. You can train as you wish from doing complex things to just simple house tasks. Let’s study everything about the said dog. 

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German Shepherd

Important Aspects 


Training Ease




History of the Dog

Max von Stephanitz attempted to achieve a pure German dog that could herd sheep reliably. The breeding of various German breeds to achieve desired traits continued for 35 consecutive years. After a considerable, he was able to get the desired results in the form of a German Shepherd.

During the breeding, some long-haired dogs took birth which looked more dashing and beautiful. Said breed maintained long hairs without having an inner coat. The long hairs protected them from harsh weather conditions. 

Most of the breeds were considered legitimate at that time except long-haired dogs because the breed was not a designer breed but rather a herd protection breed. The ban was lifted around 2010 due to preserving the breed.     

Appearance of the Dog

The breed is known for its attraction and muscular personality. They have a sharp bush tail, tan and black contrast, or red and black contrast. The dog has a square muzzle that makes him unique and dashing.

All subcategories of the German Shepherd have the same appearance except the long-haired dog which has extra fluff around the ear and a longer and shiny coat than its counterparts. The dog has an abundance of hair on the chest which resembles a lion’s appearance.

Size of the Dog

The breed carries a weight between 50 and 90 pounds and maintains a height between 22 to 26 inches. When they have long hair, they look more larger than usual. A male dog contains more pounds and inches than the female one.

Long-haired German Shepherd

Coat Type and Length

Long-haired German Shepherd maintains a long and silky coat that looks just awesome. The coat is not uniform across the complete body parts rather it is shorter at some parts of the body. It has usually shorter hair around the ears.

Temperament of the German Shepherd

The dog is loyal and affectionate, especially towards family members. They behave well with other animals when doesn’t feel any kind of threat and mostly when they are early socialized. They don’t accept strangers easily like some other dog breeds.

Bravery and high-level fighting spirit make them reliable as a watchdog. That’s the reason we see the said dog at almost every sensitive checkpoint. Intelligence compliments their bravery in quickly and accurately gauging the situation.

The pet can sacrifice its own life when the situation demands due to its intelligence, emotional bond, and bravery. Regular exercise and a dedicated space for its consumption of energy are required due to the massive body. Otherwise, they can turn any place into pieces.

Don’t panic when they’re around as they are quick learners and love to learn new things. When they’re trained properly, they prove themselves as loyal and protective companions. They’re worth buying even as family dogs for daring people.

Are They Affectionate?

Yes, they are affectionate, like a mini Golden Retriever, and reliable for known and close people. However, they don’t show any kind of affection to strangers and rarely know people. So, you can improve their said behavior by formally introducing them to new people often.

Behavior With Kids

When a German Shepherd gets the opportunity to grow up with kids, then it turns out to be a good, loyal, and caring companion. They can spend hours with the kids due to their high energy levels and athleticism. However, it may become difficult for small children to handle them due to their larger size.

Leaving dogs and kids alone and unattended for extended hours is never advisable. You can expect anything from the kids to do with the dog which can annoy or tease. So, try to supervise their playing sessions and include kids during training sessions of your dog for a better understanding of both.

Behavior With Other Animals

Generally, a Long-haired German Shepherd behaves well with other animals like Kangal, Mini Bernse and Red Retriever. You might be confused about their watchdog appearance and firm attitude with good behavior towards animals. But it behaves well with them due to its legacy of serving as a herd protector.

Whether you have birds, parrots, or dogs and cats, you can rely on the said dog. But for better safety of small animals, you should introduce and socialize with the dog as soon as it becomes part of your family. 

We can’t deny their aggressive and fighting spirit. If you see them chasing a squirrel then treat it as normal. So, try to include pets during training sessions for better bonding.

Are Long-haired German Shepherds Aggressive?

They are protective and act as guards well by inheritance. Due to their upright nature and mostly used as a police dog, they are known as aggressive dogs. But they are very gentle and loyal when grown as pure family dogs.

They can become aggressive when any suspicious things happen in front of them. You should be careful, especially during training and dealing with them. When they feel threatened or feel any kind of negative sentiments they can react badly and have the potential to harm as well.

The good thing is that they feel excited when they’re appreciated or given the reward. So, you can shape their aggressive behavior into an obedient one by positive reinforcement.

For people who are worried about their behavior, firstly they should adopt them as puppies as it’s easy to train the puppy. Socialize them with various items like watches, glass, and hats so that they don’t react when they’re grown. Regularly appreciating the dog is the most important and effective technique in shaping the behavior of the said dog.

Do They Bark A lot?

They have a high sound and can ignore you when they’re in the mood of excessive barking. When a puppy isn’t trained well with various sounds and surroundings, then it can bark frequently while listening to unfamiliar sounds and voices. So, be prepared to listen to sufficient barking.

Intelligence Level of the Dog

A German Shepherd is an intelligent and smart dog. The breed is reliable for doing various sensitive tasks, e.g. drug or bomb sniffing, search and rescue, and police dogs. They can manipulate their owners due to intelligence so the owners need to remain extra cautious when dealing with the said dog.

Mental simulation is mandatory like a physical simulation for the long-haired dog. If they’re catered for effectively, then they can behave destructively. So, make sure that they regularly solve some kind of tricky puzzles to remain calm and relaxed.  

German Shepherd Appearance

Ease of Training

They are an asset if trained well. Due to their intelligence, the legacy of protecting herds makes them an ideal dog for training. You can train them almost anything, e.g. the dog can bring any item from the fridge for you.

They are brave and smart so they won’t hesitate to try any new thing. It’s up to the owner of the pet that what he or she gets out of them. First-time owners may need to consult professional trainers initially but experienced owners can easily train them at home.

Long-haired German Shepherd Running

Energy Level of the Dog

The dog maintains a good muscular body and agility. If they’re calm and don’t show any athleticism, then it’s just due to their affectionate attitude. They are good trackers, amazing fighting dogs that need a good amount of exercise daily.

People who visit various parks and other places should consider adopting the GSDs (German Shepherd Dogs). It can guide you even in difficult hilly terrains due to intelligence and bravery. Never skip their exercise and leisure time otherwise it can be difficult for you to handle them.

Are They Suitable For Apartment?

No, it’s never advised to keep them in small or medium apartments. Firstly, you can consider other small and family dogs that perfectly fit small-to-medium apartments. They need a reasonable space to live, rest, and especially play. If a person can afford extra space nearby, then he or she can consider adopting even if living in the apartment.

Are Long-haired GSDs good watchdogs? 

They are genuinely suitable for people who are worried about their safety. The dog can go to any level to protect their owner, other family members, and especially children. They can protect even if they aren’t trained to show aggression and protect as a special training.

Due to their heavy body structure, dominating appearance, and loud barking almost nobody dares to attack in their presence. But try to never train them to show aggressive behavior as it can be difficult to handle for even strangers people passing by. They will even protect you and your family without any special training.

Services as Therapy or Service Dogs?

A long-haired German Shepherd is known to do any kind of job. Their services as military or police dogs are well-known and highly appreciated. Similarly, they can be trained to guide disabled people to move comfortably from one place to another.

They can also bring various items to the disabled person as it’s very easy for the GSDs to do so. The dog can also serve as a therapy or psychiatric service dog like a Australian and Black Goldendoodle. So, don’t confuse them with their strong looks as they are good at providing comfort and therapy services.

Care and Grooming of the Dog

Fortunately, people who are reluctant to adopt big dogs due to heavy grooming can consider the long-haired GSDs. You don’t need to groom them daily. Nail trimming, dental, and ear cleaning occasionally will suffice.

Whenever they come from outside, they can bring dirt or leaves, so a quick brushing will clean them. Brushing and bathing should be performed occasionally. Their personality hardly reshapes even if they aren’t groomed frequently. Stunning looks and very less grooming requirements make them the perfect dog for adoption in the United States, United Kingdom, and even in Asia.

Grooming the Coat

Brushing 3-4 times a week is more than enough. They can get dust and tangle from outside. Over-brushing and over-rubbing the coat will remove the dust but it will remove the fur as well slowly and gradually. So, don’t do excessive grooming of the coat as it can shape the stunning looks of the long-haired German Shepherd.

How Much They Shed?

They shed a lot compared to other hypoallergenic dogs, e.g Mini Goldendoodle and Snickerdoodle who shed very low. Their shedding continues even the whole year so be ready to clean your house with a vacuum in spring as well as fall. Unfortunately, the breed isn’t suitable for allergic people.

Diet of The GSDs

The long-haired GSDs are active and energetic dogs so they need at least a proper diet 3 times a day. You should feed them with a good amount of protein. They can even eat eggshells and chicken. 

The diet impacts on the age and physical health of the dog. Give them food in liquid form when they’re puppies, feeling not well, and especially when it’s in the heat.  

Health Care and Mitigation Measures

German Shepherds may suffer from some common health issues which are as follows:

  • Hip and elbow dysplasia
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
  • Bloat

To achieve better health, never use oils or fats in food. Some dogs have the habit of eating quickly which can cause boating. If boating is not treated well in time, then it can become very dangerous.

Life Span of GSDs

A German Shepherd lives an average life of 7 to 10 years.

What’s the Price of a Long-haired German Shepherd?

They are a bit expensive. Their price varies between $1500 to $4000. 

Is German Shepherd Suitable For Me?

A long-haired GSD is suitable for you if want :

  • Active and energetic dog
  • Watchdog
  • Therapy and service dog
  • Companion for hilly and difficult terrain
  • Easy to train the dog
  • Dashing and stunning dog by appearance
  • Less grooming requirements.

The said dog is not suitable for you if you:

  • Don’t require a low-energy or dull dog
  • Cannot spare time for daily exercise and training
  • First-time owner of the big dog
  • Wish to find a dog with more than 10 years of life expectancy


A long-haired German Shepherd is by all means a protective dog that can provide protection duties in any format. The breed requires less grooming, ample amount of time for exercise, and behaves well with kids and other animals. Unfortunately, it isn’t suitable for first-time owners. If you’re looking for a brave and dashing dog, then said dog is the perfect choice.