Goldendoodle Price: Factors Affecting Price and Finding at Reasonable Price

Goldendoodle, a mixed breed of Golden Retriever and the Poodle, is widely accepted in complete United States. Whether people are looking for are hypoallergenic, loving, and affectionate dog or a dog that provides therapy services, said dog is among the top leading choices. But what’s the Goldendoodle’s price?

The average price of a reliable and healthy Goldendoodle is $2000 to $5000. But a puppy miller can provide you with $500 to %1000 and backyard breeders for $1000 to $2000. There are annual expenses for food, visiting the vet, etc. apart from first-time expenses. Let’s discuss every potential expenditure from adopting to annual costs briefly.

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Goldendoodle Price

Goldendoodle Price

Goldendoodle is costly whether we talk about its qualities or the price. How much, on average, does a Goldendoodle cost? Well! You can buy a decent Goldendoodle between $2000 to $5000. Are there any other expenses involved?

Food, training, health issues, and grooming requirements need additional expenses. So, we can’t grade the said dog among the cheapest dogs of 2024. Size, health, and other factors directly impact the final price of the Goldendoodle.

Factors Affecting the Price of the Goldendoodle

Genetics or Inheritance

Genetics plays the foremost role in determining the price of the said dog. Good breeders carefully breed and pay special attention to the parent dogs’ health, environment, and other factors. Most of the diseases and traits are transferred to the inherited dogs.

Reputable breeders, who ask for more price, provide a 2-year guarantee certificate. Some other breeders can give you a 6 months guarantee certificate. So, it’s up to you how much you are willing to pay to get a Goldendoodle within your budget limits.

Location Matters As Well

Prices in rural areas are much lower than prices in urban areas when you’re looking to buy a Goldendoodle. The price of an F1 standard Goldendoodle is $2500 in New York. On the other hand, you will be able to easily find a standard Goldendoodle in California for $2900. 

Variations Among Different Sub-Breeds

The Goldendoodle price varies between sub-breeds. Mostly, the price is lower for the breeders who are easy to get, e.g. an F1 Goldendoodle. Whereas, when we are looking for F1b, F2, and F2b breeds, then we see a sudden increase in prices.

Demand for the Pet

Goldendoodle is undoubtedly an amazing, loyal, and hypoallergenic dog. So, its demand is mostly a long list. People wait for at least a year to get a good puppy. When there is high demand and a lengthy waiting list, then you should be ready to bear a bit more expenses while purchasing the said dog.

Size and Coat Type of the Dog

The Goldendoodle price varies for different sizes and coat types. Usually, the small size dogs cost more than their big size counterparts. You might know that the F1b and F2b are more hypoallergenic due to the extended contribution of the Poodle, so they are high in demand and cost more than the standard Goldendoodle.

Reputed and Certified Breeder

There are a lot of breeders in the market but those who are certified by well-known organizations like the American Kennel Club (AKC), Goldendoodle Association of North America (GANA), and Continental Kennel Club (CKC), charge more. They deserve to be paid more as they take a keen interest in maintaining good genetics and the health of the dog. A non-certified breeder may cost less but the risk of getting a bad health dog increases.

Goldendoodle puppy price

Variation of Prices Due to Different Breeders Expertise

When a new dog owner wants to adopt a dog from the breeder, then he or she may not know that all breeders don’t breed the same way. Some breeders will give you a puppy and they don’t care about its health, training, and other factors. While professional breeder will carefully consider every important aspect and Goldendoodle prices vary accordingly.

Professional Goldendoodle Breeders

The typical Goldendoodle price is between $2000 to $5000. A good and reputable costs more because of the following reasons:

  • Ensuring good health of the dog.
  • Early socialization of the puppy.
  • Training of the puppy.
  • Providing a guarantee certificate.
  • High-quality and initial grooming of the dog.

Some dog owners hesitate due to their high costs. Well! You should remain relaxed as the high-quality puppies will become your long-term companions and you will likely be not worried about the health and socialization of the dog in the later part of its life.

Goldendoodle Price in the US States

Goldendoodle prices vary slightly and drastically in different US states. You should be aware of the fact that the prices of the pets are only for pets and you need to spay or neuter them later as you can’t breed as per contracts. 

Here is a detailed list of average prices for different US States:

Goldendoodle Price Chart – US States

Are Backyard Breeders Suitable?

Backyard breeders try to breed a Goldendoodle with their best intentions but they lack experience and expertise which is a major bottleneck. Another main issue with adopting a puppy from backyard breeders is that they don’t provide health or any other guarantee.

The dog owner won’t always adopt a bad dog but the chances of picking a good dog are very low as compared to considering a professional breeder. The Goldendoodle price is low if you’re adopting from the said breeder but the quality traits and health are not all guaranteed. The average price of the Goldendoodle is just $1000 to $2000 if you’re ready to adopt from the Backyard Breeders.

Puppy Mills

There is another method of breeding which is commonly known as puppy mills. During said process, a large of puppies take birth within a very short period. Well! The purpose is, solely, to gain financial benefits.

Said procedure is risky for parents and children as well. The parent dogs are put under enormous strain which causes a lot of health and socialization issues for the inherited dogs. Some pet stores may even bring the puppies from the puppy mills, so you remain vigilant.

Price of the Puppy When Adopting From a Puppy Mill

Prices are very low compared to the average prices we have discussed initially. You can buy a Goldendoodle puppy for an average price of $500 to $1000 if you want to adopt it from a puppy mill.

Despite very low prices, the puppies are not recommended due to possible genetics, health, training, and socialization issues. The sellers may even try to convince you to go for big orders but remember that you will be saving some money on the cost of the health and long-term issues as well.

Goldendoodle Standing

Ownership Costs for A Goldendoodle

Adopting and bringing the pet is one part of the payment while maintaining the dog daily, providing good food and regular checkups costs additional charges. Here are the most important aspects that you need to keep in mind in terms of calculating the overall Goldendoodle price:

Food – Annual Costs Approximately $450

The average food price for a mini Goldendoodle is $40 to $60. The price varies on two main factors, which are the size and age of the dog. The large size dogs eat more than the small size dogs.

Training – Annual Costs Approximately $240

Training is the most important for making your puppy more learned, skilled, therapy, and long-term companion. Though you can train your dog yourself consulting a professional trainer for the first few weeks is beneficial. The weekly charges apply from $50 to $100 depending on the expertise of the professional groomer.

Visiting the Vet – Annual Costs Approximately $250-$2000

Visiting the vet is not optional at all. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have in keeping and taking care of the dog, you still need to take your dog to the vet for the following tasks:

  • Dental and ear checkups.
  • Stomach and obesity issues.
  • Eye issues and remedies.
  • Skin and irritation issues.
  • And A lot more…..

The Goldendoodle price charged by the vet is different for different diseases and tests. Routine checkups cost lower prices whereas surgeries cost more money. If you have spent reasonable money and adopted a healthy dog from a reputable dog, then the costs of visiting the vet will be minimized annually.

Grooming – Annual Costs Approximately $450

Grooming costs vary depending a lot. If you’re willing to visit a professional groomer often then you will need to bear expenses of approximately $450. Otherwise, you can groom your Goldendoodle at home easily.  

Other Costs – Annual Costs Approximately $300

Unforeseen dog accidents, minor injuries, and expenses like buying dog walkers and sleeping crates cost approximately $300 annually. The prices vary depending on the quality of the item. 


The Goldendoodle’s price varies between $500 to $5000. The good puppy will be considered good-priced if the breeder charges around $2000.

A lot of effort is required for training, socialization, and careful inheritance to counter health issues and that’s why the price of a Goldendoodle is usually considered expensive.

Good health, calm temperament, and reliable inheritance should be considered when adopting a Goldendoodle.

People buy doodles mainly due to hypoallergenic as this allows them to adopt a dog even if they are allergic to pets.

The average price of a Goldendoodle is $2000 to $5000.


The price of a Goldendoodle varies due to size, age, health, environment, and location of the dog. Professional breeders are mostly more suitable than backyard breeders and puppy millers as they will provide a certificate and a guarantee for approximately 2 years. Try to adopt the Goldendoodle from a professional breeder to remain relaxed in the future.

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