How to Groom a Poodle – A Complete Guide

Poodle, a German-origin dog, is an active, good-looking, and energetic dog. If we compare Poodles with other dogs like Golden Retrievers, and Bernese Mountain Dogs, then it’s easy to groom but still, at times, we don’t buy a dog due to heavy expenses including professional groomers. So, what’s the solution?

Like Snickerdoodle, Poodle is hypoallergenic and sheds very low, giving us a hidden advantage of low grooming requirements. But still, grooming is mandatory for all dogs including said dog. Still trying to figure out how to buy? Relax! We will share some practical methods with you so that you can quickly and effectively groom your dog.

Poodle Beautiful Puppies

Accessories Required For Grooming

Before we discuss different methods on how to groom a poodle, make sure you have the following items:

  • Slicker brush
  • Heavy-duty comb
  • Hair clippers
  • Nail clippers
  • Trimming shears
  • Shampoo for bathing

How to Groom a Poodle – Practical Steps

How to groom a Poodle

Brushing of the Complete Dog

Brushing is the first and most important thing for the grooming of a dog. Gently start brushing your dog from the head and gradually move towards the lower part of the dog. Though it has soft and easy-to-handle hairs, but still if there are still some knots, then release them and brush carefully.

Rough and Complete Cut of the Dog

There is a clear-cut difference in handling lengthy, uneven, and short, even hairs. So, perform a rough cut of your dog. This will give you leverage to groom a Poodle with minimum effort and resources.

Complete haircuts, especially during extremely hot and cold weather, help in quick and easier grooming. The breed perfectly matches for allergic people and whether you’re doing a rough cut or even a full cut, it will benefit you in any way. you can do try Goldendoodle haircuts, an offspring of Golden Retriever and Poodle.

Nail Trimming of the Dog

Nail trimming not only looks good but they also assist the dog in protection against potential injuries while running and jumping fearlessly. Grab the feet of your poodle and slowly trim nails from each of the fingers in a sequence. Initially, it may feel discomfort and show panic signs but remain patient.

After trimming the nails from one foot of the dogs, continue the same process for the other foot. Be vigilant so that you don’t harm the skin of your dog as it may cause infection or cause pain to the dog. Though activity is important it should be done with care and diligence. 

Poodle Sitting

Teeth Care of the Poodle

Grooming of the Poodle isn’t complete without teeth care. Use a dedicated and separate toothbrush for your dog and never use the human brush. You can use fingers as well if your dog shows resistance initially.

You can get help with the dental chew till the time your dog becomes comfortable with the toothbrush. The dog will look charming and dashing when it has clean teeth and it will also protect the dog from potential diseases and worms.

Ear Cleaning during Grooming of the Poodle

Poodles have long and floppy ears that may touch the ground especially when are sitting or taking a rest. They also have sufficient hairs in the ear which need to be trimmed regularly.

Bathing of the Dog

  Bath plays a similar role for dogs as it plays for humans. Bathing makes dogs, like Red Nose Pitbull, fresh, active, neat, and clean and helps in countering various diseases. Bathing, once a month, with a good shampoo is sufficient unless it is facing itching or becomes dusty due to heavy activity.

Regular Clipping of the Dog

If your dog has small hairs, then you don’t need to clip your dog. But if it’s a designer or you have made any special haircut, then regular clipping will be required. You can choose matching or contrast clipping depending on your choice as both complement the looks of the dog regarding specific occasions.

Grooming Show Poodles vs Typical Poodles

Miniature Poodle Looks

A common debate erupts between owners of show poodles and normal poodles. Grooming is completely the same for both dogs except for one thing. The haircut is different for both dogs. 

A normal, family Poodle’s haircut is usually even, short, and a decent height. On the other hand, a show Poodle looks different due to its long hairs and uneven hairs from various parts of the body. So, apart from haircuts and brushing, grooming remains same for the both.


Most people think that it will take a lot of effort and even a handsome amount of money to groom a Poodle. However, it’s very easy and needs just half an hour of attention, but it’s a daily activity. Don’t spend money, especially on grooming your amazing dog like Poodle. Save your expenses and make it look more professional by following our recommended guidelines.

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