Kanagal Shepherd Complete Guide : Suitable For Families?

Kangal, a Turkish-origin dog, is known as a gentle, loyal, and loving dog. It has a reputation for aggression and a dominant nature. You might be thinking is it good or bad? It’s good, like a Micro Bully, if you’re an experienced dog owner.  

The dog served as a protective dog for sheep in a herd for centuries. People at that time trusted it without any hesitation as it ensured safety in the absence of owners. People who are searching for a dog that not only accompanies them but also keeps their house and especially children safe, then said dog is a very good choice.

There is more than its protective nature like it plays and loves to enjoy the company of humans. We will discuss each characteristic of the dog so that you can choose whether to adopt the Kangal Shepherd, commonly known as Goban Kopegis, or not as per your situation.

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Kangal Shepherd Traits At a Glance


29 to 33 inches


90 to 145 pounds


11 to 13 years


Tan, cream, sable

Suitable For

People having livestock,
Experienced dog owners,
Grown children in the house


Protective, Aggressive, Intelligent, Daring and Calm

Important Aspects 

Before we dive deep into the details of each trait, let’s take a bird’s view of key traits:


Training Ease




Origin and History of the Dog

The history of the dog is unique and interesting which takes us to Sivas, a city in Turkey. The dog got its name “Kangal” from the town with the same name in the easternmost province of the Central Anatolia Region. The breed was initially used by shepherds to protect their herds, mainly sheep, from wolves or other similar animals.

The dog is more famous in the native cities of Turkey than in other main states. Unfortunately, the American Kennel Club doesn’t recognize the breed. UKC (United Kennel Club) recognized the breed in 1998.

Kangal Puppies

The puppies aren’t small ones rather they have a healthy and strong build. For the first 2 years, they possess a huge amount of energy and behave very aggressively and stubbornly most of the time. But when turn 2 or 2.5 years old, they become more responsible, and serious and display mature behavior.

If you’re looking for a perfect livestock guardian or protector, then you can easily find it from the breeders who are abiding by the UKC policies. You may find other breeders who have a good reputation for providing the said dogs to livestock owners in bulk.

Choosing and adopting a good puppy ensures that we will spend the rest of our time with the dog comfortably and securely. So, before taking the puppy home, conduct thorough research and closely observe the behavior of the puppy.  

Characteristics of the Kangal

One of the most dominating traits of the dog is its threatening barking and unrealistic bite force. The dog is perfect to perform any kind of security task like a Bernese Mountain Dog and Golden Mountain Dog. Before deciding to adopt the said dog, let’s examine its traits.

Kangal Shepherd

Bite Force and Comparison with Other Dogs 

Bite force reflects the strength of the bite of the dog and it is measured in PSI or pounds per square inch. Kangal’s bite force is 743 PSI which is more than other well-known aggressive dogs.

For a better comprehension, here is a list of some famous dogs and their bite force:

  • America Bandog’s bite force is 730 PSI.
  • Rottweiler, a reputed dog, bites with a force of 328 PSI.
  • German Shepherd, one of the top-rated dogs, bites with a strength of 238 PSI. You will see it in a lot of places as it assists police and other security departments.
  • A human’s bite force is around 160 PSI.

Bite Force Comparison with Other Breeds

Among dogs, Kangal has a good number as far as bite force is concerned. What about the bite force of other animals? Here are some prominent animals and their strength for a more interesting comparison:

  • American Alligator- 2,125 PSI
  • Hippopotamus- 1,800 PSI
  • Bull Shark- 1,350 PSI
  • Gorilla- 1,300 PSI
  • Polar Bear- 1,200 PSI
  • Grizzly Bear- 1,160 PSI
  • Hyena- 1,100 PSI

Now, you can very well imagine how much security it can provide to you and your family members. Said dog is loyal and handles all kinds of threats to its family members. The pet is a good company and all-weather trustworthy companion if trained well.

Temperament and Intelligence of the Pet

The dog is a beautiful mesh of intelligence, aggressive and gentle at the same time. When it is surrounded by the family members, it behaves calmly and gently like a Snickerdoodle , Mini Golden Retriever and Miniature Goldendoodle. But as soon as the situation escalates, it becomes stubborn and aggressive.

Due to intelligence and smartness, it’s very easy to train the Kangal Shepherd. The breed is trustworthy to use as a protective dog due to its nature of living independently. Overall, they are suitable for people who have experience of at least owning 1 or 2 dogs previously.

The pet shouldn’t be motivated to behave aggressively. Due to their larger size and strong bite force, they can be difficult to handle if they consistently behave aggressively. Naturally and genetically, they have a soft corner towards humans. So, make sure that you mold the temperament of the dog as per your environment and requirements.  

Behavior With Families

Like White or Black Goldenoodle, the breed is gentle and calm and that’s why they are suitable for families. They love to protect livestock and herds and consume their active energy in their protection. What about people who don’t have livestock?

If you don’t have any livestock, then make sure that your dog goes for a daily walk and jogging. Fences should be solid when they are in the yard. The pet is suitable for people who have older children as they can manage well with the big-sized dog.

Behavior With Other Pets

They are aggressive and stubborn at times but they don’t have much preying drive. So, you can introduce your cats and parrots to the dog so that they can accept each other. Early socialization and controlled exposure are important especially for the safety of other pets, living in the house.  

Considerations Before Adopting the Dog

You might be in a better position to decide whether to adopt the dog or not. But wait a minute! Here are some specific requirements that should be kept in mind when making a final decision:

Food and Diet Requirements

The pet requires a good amount of food as most of its day is spent running whether playing or protecting the herd. In Turkey, they have been provided protein with water. Some Kangal lovers have recommended giving them a low-protein or low-calorie diet.

Giving high-quality food helps in protection from various diseases. Protein, Omega-3, and egg shells should be provided in the daily diet for better growth of the dog.

Kangal Dog Breed

Exercise Requirements

If the pet guards livestock, then there is no separate requirement for the exercise of the dog. But most people don’t own livestock due to personal reasons. In such cases, take your dog with you for a brisk walk or jogging. The activity shouldn’t be less than 2 hours.

They shouldn’t be taken to busy places like parks or amusement places as they can turn out to be aggressive and can harm someone. Don’t overestimate the heavy physique of the dog, as its bones and muscles grow slowly so over-exercising can become harmful for the said dog.

Training of the Kangal

The most important phase for the better grooming and shaping of the Kangal for almost every situation. Here are some special training tips to pull maximum strengths of the dog:

  • Early socialization is very important. Children, pets, and all family members should be introduced to the dog.
  • Positive reinforcement helps a lot in handling the said Turkish dog.
  • Less training is required for puppies who have been adopted by the livestock guardians.
  • Never lose patience during training the dog as it will gradually become less aggressive and stubborn.
  • Give rewards to your dog when it obeys you so that it learns to do so in the future as well.

Grooming of the Pet

The good thing is that they don’t require much grooming like a Poodle or Goldenoodle. They have a dense and short coat that rarely sheds. So, you can use a soft, daily brushing, to handle minimal shedding of the Kangal Shepherd.

Bathing is not required in routine; instead, it is required when it’s dirty for any reason. Dental, ear, and nail hygiene are important and should be monitored and cleaned regularly. Visit the nearest groomer after 2 to 3 months especially whenever going for a dog’s event.

Health of the Dog

Health is another thing that is not a sign of worry for the said pet’s owner. They generally enjoy good health but here are some minor and major health issues that your dog may face:

Minor Health Issues

  • Entropion
  • Ear infections

Serious Health Issues

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia

Male vs Female Dogs

The most obvious difference between the two is the weight. A male carries 110 to 145 pounds whereas a female carries 90 to 130 pounds. Protective and other temperaments are almost the same apart from appearance. 

Interesting Facts About the Kangal

Standard Colors of the Dog

Usually, you will see the Turkish dog in mainly three colors which are tan, cream, or fawn. Colors other than those already mentioned colors are not considered for purebred dogs. The chin, nose, and ear of the said pet are black which looks amazing and unique as well.

Misconception as Anatolian Shepherd 

Some people can’t find a clear difference between the Kangal and the Anatolian Shepherd. But both are different breeds. Successors are officially recognized by the AKC whereas predecessor isn’t recognized. Moreover, they have altogether different rather opposing traits as one is aggressive while the other is calm.

Double Coat For Weather Protection

The dog has a double coat like a Red Golden Retriever. Its outer coat protects it from severe weather, cold or hot. The inner coat is soft and that is water-resilient. Though its inner coat sheds low during some seasons, it sheds to some extent.


The Kangal, a Turkish dog, is known for multiple unique characteristics. Its strong biting strength, aggresive nature for wolves, and soft nature for humans, big size, and mild heart make the dog amazing in itself. If you can train the dog, and not a first-owner, then it will not only turn out to be a good companion instead it will stand with you and protect you as well.

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