Mini Bernese Mountain Dog Temperament, Traits & Grooming

The urge to adopt designer dog breeds is expanding day by day all over the world. There are a lot of mixed breed dogs available among your choice list but what do you know about Mini Bernese Mountain Dog and what are the unique traits of the said breeds from other amazing designer dogs like Snickerdoodle, Miniature Goldendoodle , Mini Golden Retriever and Golden Mountain dogs?

Said dog is a crossbreed of the Bernese Moutain dog and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Despite officially less or non-recognition of the mix breeds by AKC, they are becoming the talk of the town due to reasonable prices. Well! Let’s deep dive and find our personality traits, health issues, energy levels, and some other interesting facts about the said dog. 

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Mini Bernese Mountain Dog

Mini Bernese Mountain Dog Traits At a Glance


12 to 15 inches


10 to 25 pounds


10 t0 15 years



Suitable For

Small families having kids,
Requirement of a low to high energy dog


Cooperative, Eager to please, Calm, Intelligent

Important Aspects 

Before we dive deep into the details of each trait, let’s take a bird’s view of key traits:


Training Ease




Mini Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies

Mini Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy

Bernese are famous for living alone whereas the Charles Spaniel, like Red Golden Retriever, doesn’t live alone. So, it’s important to investigate critically whether your puppy is inclined towards Bernese or it’s Spaniel who’s more dominant. Overall, both parents possess good habits and likely the puppy adopts the same.

Within some weeks and months, the dominating traits of the puppy will become more visible. Whether it’s a laid-back or very energetic dog, depending on genetics, socialization will help the puppy to adjust quickly to the new environment. By paying attention and taking care, it will become an asset to the home soon.

Temperament, Intelligence, and Smartness

There will be hardly any difference between the mini Bernese from the giant Bernese Mountain Dog. The smaller size is one of the obvious and certain differences between the two dogs. The pet will is sharp, intelligent, and usually remains calm and stable.

Suitability of Mini Bernese For Families

People who are looking for a family dog, usually, want to adopt a dog that possesses cool and energetic behavior at the same time. Guess what! Mini Bernese Mountain displays a calm attitude like a completely harmless and cooperative Bernese and participates willingly in any challenge due to the other parent.

Due to your pet’s intelligence and smartness, it knows how to deal with human beings. An interesting thing about the said breed is that they are very easy to train like Red Nose Pitbull, even without any kind of involvement from a professional trainer. Strictly following a tight training schedule, appreciating and punishing your pet will enhance temperament and attitude quickly.

Mini Bernese Mountain Behavior With Pets

If your pet has adopted traits from the King Spaniel, then it will keep you busy as it will run for almost everything. But if adopted by the Bernese then it will leave other things including birds to enjoy their activities. Worried? Relax! King Spaniel is known for behaving well with family pets and so does its offspring.

Key Measures To Ponder Before Adopting the Miniature Goldendoodle

Mini Bernese Food

Food Requirements

Protein and chicken-rich food should be provided to your pet. Freshness plays an important role in the good health of the dogs like humans. Make sure that besides high-quality food including Egg shells, fresh water is available in the pot of your pet every time.

Exercise and Mental Simulation

Like Kangal, Mini Bernese Mountain Dogs love to play, ready to go for a hike, travel with their owners or even play with their owners in the yard. They possess strength and stamina which requires daily exercise to show off physical and mental tasks and challenges. If it sleeps for extended hours, then it should be immediately mitigated.

Lengthy training or exercise sessions can harm the health of your dog due to its double coat. It’s better to reduce exertion or exercise timings in extremely harsh summers and increase water supply to your pet. Tricky toys, puzzles, and challenges impact positively on its overall health.


If you want to turn your dog into a long-term companion, then it should be trained when it’s a puppy rather than when it becomes an adult. Appreciating the Mini Bernese Mountain Dog makes him feel good and repeat the activity. Without any serious commitments, avoid skipping the training sessions especially when it’s a puppy.

Mini Bernese Mountain Grooming


  Due to its double coat, brushing is required at least two times a week. Timely haircuts make the dog look more attractive and help tackle extreme weather effectively. Some other important grooming tasks are as follows:

  • Bathing, every month
  • Cleaning ears, twice a week
  • Nail trimming, monthly
  • Paw cleaning, twice a week
  • Visiting profession, after two months

Health Issues and Way Outs

Unlike Micro Bully, Bernese Mountain Dog and King Spaniel enjoy good health and their child, the Mini Bernese Mountain Dog, enjoys good health as well. It lives an average life of 12 to 15 years. Here are some common and severe diseases that may occur to your lovely pet:

Minor Health Issues

  • Obesity
  • Allergies
  • Epilepsy
  • Retinal atrophy

Serious Health Issues

  • Mitral valve disease
  • Syringomyelia
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Degenerative myelopathy

Male vs Female Mini Bernese

  Male Bernese are taller than female ones. They are more cooperative during training, exercises, and outside activities than female Bernese. 

Interesting Facts About the Dog

Non-Recognition by Official Dog Organization

Like any other mixed breed dog, Mini Golden Retriever, White or Black Goldendoodles, they aren’t officially recognized by the American Kennel Club or other famous clubs. However, Its ancestors are recognized and ranked well by AKC.

Shedding in Spring and Fall 

They shed like a Goldendoodle for a week or so during spring or fall. So, brush them regularly, request allergic people to remain at some distance, and ensure separate sleep of your pet.

Tri-Color Patterns

You will see them only in tri-color patterns.


Mini Bernese Mountain Dogs are among the leading dogs in the designer category. They are playful, comfortable with family members and pets, and maintain low to high energy levels. A perfect fit for small families! People who love Bernese Moutain Dog but wish to have them in small sizes should adopt them without a second thought.

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