Growth Chart and Average Weight of Mini Golden doodle

A miniature Goldendoodle is a mixed breed due to a mini Poodle and a Golden Retriever. Their weight and height vary between 10 to 35 pounds and 13 to 20 inches respectively. The dog’s actual size depends on multiple factors including genetics, age, size, and most importantly surroundings.

In this article, we will discuss the size of the miniature Golden, impacting factors, and some useful techniques to achieve good results one by one.

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Mini Goldendoodle growth chart

Overview of the Breed 

The breed is intelligent, and smart and contains hidden preying traits, like an Australian Goldendoodle and Mini Bernese Mountain Dog due to its amazing legacy. Golden Retrievers are considered as third most popular dogs in the United States and Poodles have their audience mainly due to low shedding. So, this breed adopts an amazing set of traits like Snickerdoodle dog, another offspring of Poodle.

Mini Goldendoodles, whether white or Black Goldendoodles, are mostly suited as family dogs due to their low aggression and less drive towards hunting and retrieving. Kids and pets remain secure in their presence. The only issue they suffer from is loneliness.  

Growth Chart and Size of the Pet

Full grown mini goldendoodle

As the mini Goldendoodles are mixed breed dogs, their size varies a lot, mainly due to the involvement of toy or miniature poodles. They weigh 1 pound at the time of the birth and gain maximum weight till 25 pounds. Similarly, they have few inches of height from birth and gain 20 inches when they are adult. However, male dogs are heavier and taller than female dogs.

Growth Chart of the Mini Goldendoodle

When It Stops Growing?

First of all, the growth and size chart of the mini Goldendoodle will keep you satisfied with the growth of your dog. Secondly, there are three prominent growth milestones.

Half Growth

The pet reaches half of its growth matrix when it becomes 4 to 5 months old.

Levelling Off

When it turns 7 to 10 months old, then its weight starts leveling off.

Full Grown Dog

At the age of 1 year, it completely grows.

Key Factors – Impact on Growth of the Dog

Whether your dog is growing with age or it is lagging, you still, need to know about important factors that affect the growth of the miniature Goldendoodle. Here are those factors along with their brief description:


You might have known and seen mini Goldendoodles in various sizes and shapes that are because of genetics. The main deciding factor in genetics is the Poodle’s breed. So, if you know about its parent, then you can gauge its potential size perfectly.

A miniature poodle weighs between 10 to 15 inches and gains height from 10 to 15 inches. The toy poodle, as the name suggests, weighs less than 6 pounds and maintains a low height of 10 inches.

The above findings result most of the time during breed. However, it won’t be always like achieving a medium dog by breeding one large and one small dog. Hidden factors of nature are also playing their role behind the scenes.

Lifestyle and Diet Situation

If a dog, e.g Red Golden Retriever, takes exercise and doesn’t over eat will tentatively grow well. However, if another doesn’t go for exercise and over eats in routine, then it may become a victim of obesity and will ultimately not grow as per the growth chart and up to his age.

Generation Difference

Dog lovers haven’t stopped the designer breeding of mini Goldendoodles till their birth. Some other designer variations impact directly on partial or full growth of the miniature Goldendoodle. 

An F1 Goldendoodle contains an equal share of the Golden Retriever and the mini poodle. While an F1b contains a 25% contribution of the F1 Goldendoodle and the remaining contribution of the Poodle. On the other hand, F2b results when two F1 Goldendoodles are crossbred.

Hence, it becomes more clear now that a lot of variation in sizes including weight and height occur due to multiple designer sub-breeds. The growth predictions can be treated as true after getting surety about the parents of the mini Goldendoodle.

Perfect Diet to Achieve Better Growth Results

Diet plays a very important role in the overall health and growth of the pet. Obesity, tension, and anxiety of the dog are directly reduced when an optimum diet is provided. In case of any unusual growth difference, immediately consult the veteran who will advise according to on-ground situation of health, age, size, and energy level of the dog.

  Treats are a good source of inspiration, especially during training. However, if they are over-provided, then their essence reduces apart from causing obesity to the dog. As a general rule, treats should be provided 10% of the routine diet.

Exercise also plays an important role in achieving good health, better cardiac response, and controlling weight. On average, a miniature should go for exercise for almost 45 to 90 minutes.

Measuring The Pet

There are four types of measurements:

Neck Girth

It is done by using a soft dog that revolves around the neck of the dog.

Chest Girth

The same soft tape is used to measure the distance from the spine of the dog to its front legs and body.

Back Length

Measuring is done from the back of the neck, and spine and reaches at the tail base.


The dog is asked to stand up straight with the wall and height is measured using the same soft tape.

Weight Measurement

Calculate your weight by standing on the weight machine, then reset the weight machine, pick up the dog, and calculate the weight gain. Now subtract your weight from the combined weight and the resulting weight will be of your lovely pet. 

Tips For Better Growth

mini goldendoodle full grown

Here are some important factors that help in achieving better growth for the miniature Goldendoodle and even for cheapest dogs:

  • Provide the right food to the dog which satisfies its age and stomach condition.
  • Assist your dog during heating, teething, and suffering from disease by providing food in liquid form and spending more time with your pet.
  • Provide a safe and protective environment along with some playing gadgets so that it can build its muscles and doesn’t become obese.
  • Grooming, including brushing, cleaning and a decent haircut should be done properly and well in time.
  • Take good care of rest and sleep time with your dog as it helps in early healing and better growth.


Mini Goldendoodles may be seen in various sizes and shapes due to a lot of subbreeds, e.g. F1b, F1bb, and F2b, etc. Genetics, environment, and diet play crucial roles in the growth of the dog. If you want to adopt a specific size dog, then the breeder can help you but remember to use the poodle’s respective size for breeding.

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