Miniature Goldendoodle Complete Guide: Everything You Should Know

Choosing a dog that is hypoallergenic, intelligent, smart, economical and adjusts smoothly from small to medium apartments is tricky. But is it so? Well! A miniature Goldendoodle, a mixed breed dog, contains all such characteristics and is known for its decent, calm, and mature temperament.

Mini Goldendoodles became popular in the 1990s. They inherit traits from their ancestors: the Golden Retriever, known for hunting and retrieving, and the Poodle, a famous German-originated breed. Like Mini Bernese Mountain dog, it is suitable for small or even medium families whether living in apartments or homes. We will briefly cover all traits, diet, training, and grooming requirements followed by some interesting information for you in this article.

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Miniature Goldendoodle

Miniature Goldendoodle Traits At a Glance


13 to 20 inches


15 to 35 pounds


10 to 15 years


Black, white, silver, brown, blue, red, parti, sable, cream, tan, apricot, merle

Suitable For

People living Active life, New dog owners, People having kids, Allergic to dogs


Loyal, affectionate, easy training,
Playful, gentle, and active

Important Aspects 

Before we dive deep into the details of each trait, let’s take a bird’s view of key traits:


Training Ease




Mini Goldendoodle Puppies

Mini Goldendoodle puppies

People are concerned about the average lifespan, health, and amount of training and grooming required for the dog. A mini Goldendoodle enjoys very good health due to being a mixed breed. It’s very easy to train the pet and it usually lives up to 15 years. 

Despite being a small size dog, it lives a very active and energetic life like a Golden Mountains Dog. Exercise keeps them physically and mentally more stable and better. You need to give them proper time as they are attention-seeking dogs and may suffer from loneliness when they aren’t cared for properly.

Temperament, Intelligence, and Smartness

There isn’t any question about their loving, loyal, and charming personality. They inherit a stable and mature temperament from Golden Retrievers as well as Poodles. Apart from maintaining good temperament, they are intelligent and smart dogs like Snickerdoodle dog, another offspring of Poodle.

A mini Goldendoodle including White or Black Golden Retriever behaves very well with human beings even if they are strange. It can turn your simple and even boring time into a spacious one. It offers love and respect for other pets living in the same house.


A mini Goldendoodle barks like any other dog in the world. It barks when something unusual or annoying happens or when it feels too much excited. Worried? Relax! This habit can be reduced exponentially by regular training of the pet.

Consideration As a Family Dog

The dog behaves very well with kids and loves to spend maximum time with them. Like its one of ancestors, the Golden Retriever, it can serve as a therapy dog apart from other benefits. But, unfortunately, it shows negative emotions and may destroy home accessories when left alone for a long duration. So, you can choose depending on your commitment and situation.  

Mini Goldendoodle as family dog

Response to Other Pets

This may be a sign of relief for you as the mini Goldendoodle accepts and knows how to spend time with other pets. It learns to play with cats and birds with the time. Having said that still, it’s safe to remain careful at least during the initial first months of bringing the pet into your home from the breeder’s place.

Key Measures To Ponder Before Adopting the Miniature Goldendoodle

Before you make a final decision regarding adopting the pet, here are some important aspects to think about and understand well in time:

Diet and Food Aspects

The pet needs 1 to 4 cups of dry food at least once a day. Good food should be provided in chunks, preferably 2 times, i.e. morning and evening. If you will provide more food then it may suffer from bloat and gastric torsion and become overweight. It inherits said diseases from the Golden Retriever.


First of all, they love exercise and at least half an hour of exercise provides them with mental, physical comfort and helps in grow stronger and healthier. Secondly, due to their good behavior, it’s easy for its easy owners to take them outside at any place without worry. Barking, extended sleep durations and destructive behavior can be minimized by regular exercise.

Mini Goldendoodle training exercise


Training sessions are very easy even if they can be arranged at home without the involvement of a professional trainer. It learns new things quickly and cooperates during training. Positive reinforcement and appreciation help the dog in developing habits quickly.


Miniature Goldendoodles are hypoallergenic dogs and hence shed very low. So, one thing is obvious we need to spend less time and effort on grooming the pet, unlike other non-hypoallergenic dogs.

Still, we need to groom our pets daily to effectively handle diseases and achieve better looks. Here are practical and useful grooming techniques:

  • Brush hairs daily if they are long, otherwise brushing on alternate days is enough.
  • Bath is important but it shouldn’t be very frequent as it can damage skin.
  • Dental care including teeth brushing should be done 3 times a week.
  • Nail trimming should be done once a month.
  • Ear inspection is important to identify and mitigate any infections or issues.

Health Issues and Way Outs

Minor Health Issues

  • Dental issues
  • Skin allergies and itching
  • Ear and eye infections

Serious Health Issues

  • Cancer
  • Bloat
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Von Willebrand’s disease

Mini Goldendoodles enjoy good health and an active life. The chances of diseases are reduced when the puppy is picked up from a reputed and good breeder. It may suffer from some diseases. The potential diseases and remedy measures have been elaborated below:

Hip Dysplasia

The most prominent cause of the occurrence of hip dysplasia is due to genetics. In this disease, the pet’s thigh bone doesn’t adjust well with the hip joint. Like Red Nose Pitbull, it suffers from lingers, severe pain, and discomfort.

Von Willebrand’s Disease

The disease is common among humans as well as mini Goldendoodles. Blood clotting becomes a nightmare and frequent nose bleeding, bloody stool, and increased stoppage time of blood after surgery are some visible signs. Unfortunately, the disease can’t be cured and the only viable solution is taking the help of transfusion. 


Around 60% deaths cause of a Golden Retriever are due to cancer. Being a child of a Golden Retriever, it can inherit cancer which is not curable. 


Skin, food, and inhalant allergies may cause mild or severe discomfort to the mini Goldendoodle.

Dental Issues

Toy poodles have a history of suffering from dental issues. So, it’s important to go through some basic dental checks while adopting as well.

Ear Infections 

The pet maintains long and floppy ears which becomes a potential gateway for infections and diseases. They love swimming and water and insects can harm them during said process. So, regular checkups and monitoring help mitigate the issue early.

Mini Goldendoodle health

Should You Choose Male Or Female Pet

Male miniature Goldendoodles tend to possess more height and weight than female ones. Apart from that obvious difference, there is no such difference in temperament, energy level, and even health matters. So, you can choose anyone without thinking too much.

Interesting Facts

Three types of Miniature Goldendoodles

Mini English Goldendoodle is a mixed breed of English Golden Retriever and Toy poodle. Similarly, the mini American Goldendoodle results from a cross of a Toy poodle and an American Retriever. Things change for the third one as the mini Australian Goldendoodle is a mixed breed of English Retriever and a mini Australian Labradoodle. 

New Breed

The dog became popular in the 1990s which is new compared to other famous breeds.

Different Generations

It has multiple sub-breeds which are known as F1, F1B, and F2B, etc. An F1 breed is a mixed breed of Retriever and mini Poodle whereas an F1b is a crossbreed of the Mini Goldendoodle, itself, and the mini Poodle. Sounds unique? Other types are similarly unique in terms of inheritance.


A mutt takes birth due to unintentional breeding while a designer is the result of deliberate and careful breeding.

Yes, it sheds very low and is treated as a hypoallergenic dog.

It costs from $100 to $3500.

It’s a nightmare for them and they become anxious and worried when left alone.

It starts to behave more calmly and decently when it turns 1.

Yes, they need a good haircut after 1 or 2 months.


Mini Goldendoodles are suitable for allergic people because they shed low. They possess a stable and calm temperament, good energy level, and usually enjoy good health. They are suitable for medium to large apartments as well as houses. A worthy trying dog for smaller families!