Red & Brown Poodle: Appearance & Traits

When we want to own a dog, then there are multiple options. But usually, we need to trade between size, behavior, and energy level as some dogs are energetic but aggressive. While some others are non-aggressive, they are dull or lazy. What’s the solution?

The Brown Poodle contains all the potential traits that a person is looking to own a good dog. Seriously? Of course, yes. The said dog is intelligent, active, social, barks less, healthy, caring, and requires very little grooming. Let’s find out the traits of the said dog one by one in detail:

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Red Poodle

Important Aspects 


Training Ease




History of the Red and Brown Poodles

Usually, we see a Poodle in white or black color but red and brown Poodles are among rare coats among the said breed. Well! They were initially not popular and weren’t known until 1980. The dog lovers achieved said coat colors by careful and responsible breeding.

Recognition of the Breed

Red Poodle is officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Brown and some other multi-colors poodles are also recognized by the said organization. Apricot Poodle has been most recently accepted by the AKC.

Traits of the Dog

Hypoallergenic Coat

The dog has a curly coat that rarely sheds. The dog is suitable for allergic people as it’s easy to live with them without getting affected by any kind of discomfort, especially due to allergies.

Intelligence Level of the Dog

The brown Poodle is known for its intelligence and smartness. They’re easy to train, learn anything quickly, and solve complex puzzles without any stress.

Training Aspects

Training new things like tasks that require agility and a good amount of abundance is effortless. They don’t even hesitate to learn various tips and tricks.

Playing Nature

The breed is suitable for people who love to play with their dogs. They will happily play hide and seek, football, and even Frisbee with you.

Affectionate and Loving Nature

Generally, all dogs are affectionate and love to spend time with their owners and provide unconditional love. But when we talk about the Brown Poodle, then it is a bit more forthcoming in terms of courtesy and care. 

Appearance of the Dog

The dog has long ears and attractive eyes. It has a curly or corded coat. Their regal outlook makes them unique and amazing from other dog breeds.

Suitable For Various Environments

Some small dogs, like mini Bernese and Micro Bully are suitable for small apartments while some big dogs are suitable for big houses and villas. But the poodle easily fits in every sized apartment or house. Why? The dog just requires regular mental and physical stimulation that can be fulfilled in the house or a nearby place.

Average Life Expectancy and Health

The dog remains healthy throughout life and lives a life of 12 to 15 years. They suffer from skin itching and allergies, eye issues, and hip dysplasia.

Brown Poodle

Prominent Health Issues and Way Outs

The Brown Poodle lives a happy and healthy life and doesn’t suffer from multiple diseases. But some diseases can tease the said dog. Here are said diseases that can potentially occur to the dog and their remedies:

Hip Dysplasia

One of the most painful diseases that caused when the hip joints don’t develop well from birth or due to dislocation during any tough activity. Taking good care of the weight, medication on the direction of the veteran and X-rays help in the identification and mitigation of the hip joint issues.

Eye Issues and Remedies

The most common eye problems for the said pet are as follows:

  • Cataracts
  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
  • Glaucoma

When the lens of the eye of the Brown Poodle becomes cloudy, then we call cataracts. PRA directly causes weak or immediate loss of eyesight. Glaucoma causes extraneous strain on the nerves and that’s very dangerous. Regular monitoring, consultation with the vet, and surgery in severe cases are very helpful.

Skin Allergies and Itching

Skin allergy is the most common disease among various dogs. The issue occurs due to bad or low-quality food, abrupt changes in environmental conditions, and lack of cleanliness. Though the disease is not fatal, it’s very painful.

Following actions are suggested for early mitigation of the disease

  • Neat and clean living and playing environment.
  • Medication as recommended by the veteran.
  • The controlled and high-quality diet contains multiple vitamins and even eggshells.

Dental Problems and Their Remedies

Gum disease, decay of teeth, and the sudden appearance of tartar are the most obvious signs of the bad dental health of the Brown Poodle. The dog faces pain and even it can lead to teeth loss along with serious mouth infections. The disease is very easy to cure for punctual people who regularly brush and clean teeth of the dog.

Addison’s Disease

When adrenal glands are unable to produce a good amount of hormones, then we call it Addison’s disease. As a result, the dog vomits, diarrhea attacks and a sudden loss of weight is prominent. Lack or delay of treatment can have a serious impact on the health of the said pet.


The disease is well-known even among humans. During epilepsy attacks, the body shakes and a total collapse of the nervous system is observed. The dog is unable to control its condition. Regular medication with the consent of the said dog is beneficial.

Bloating and the Remedies

Bloating is the most common disease that can be seen very often among dogs. It occurs due to eating an impure diet and taking dirty water. Vomiting and lethargy are the most obvious signs of the disease. Regular checkups and treatments help with quick remedies.

Ear Infections and Their Treatment

Dogs that have long and floppy ears are potential victims of ear infections. Brown poodle ears can get affected and infections like itching, odor, or redness can be seen. Cleaning of the ears is the most effective solution and in case of severity, nearby veterans can be consulted.

Brown Poodle Puppy

General Personality of the Dog

They are among intelligent, affectionate, and highly energetic dog breeds. Let’s understand something more about their personality:

Exceptional Intelligent

They will keep you amazed and wondering by showing their level of intelligence. It’s easy for them to solve a situation, and understand the mood swings of the owner, other pets, and most importantly children. They adjust accordingly as per the requirements of the situation.

 Quick Learners and Easy to Train

Some dogs are very difficult to train and control due to their heavy size, ruthless behavior, or dumbness. However, the Brown Poodle is very receptive during training sessions. They learn and implement any instructions very quickly. They can be owned by first-time owners due to their amazing easy-to-rain personality.

Loyal and Affectionate Dog

Undoubtedly, they’re easy very loyal, affectionate and always forthcoming. Whether you’re sad and need a companion or happy and need a joyful, the Brown Poodle will be with you in all weather. They will never hesitate to do anything for their owners and family members. 

Enthusiasm and High Energy Level

Despite their small to medium size, they’re very energetic. They love to walk, jog, run, sprint, and even swim for extended hours. What else do you want from the Brown Poodle? 

Protective Behavior 

Though they are generally soft-hearted dogs, they can become very aggressive and even bark a lot towards strangers when they or their owners are in a difficult situation. So, you can trust them to protect your children while they are playing in the yard.

Self Reliance

Some dogs suffer from separation anxiety but the Brown Poodle doesn’t panic when left alone. There is no such requirement for constant and regular monitoring. They keep themselves busy and find a way to cherish themselves.

Social Behavior of the Dog

Though they are generally soft-hearted dogs, they can become very aggressive and even bark a lot towards strangers when they or their owners are in a difficult situation. So, you can trust them to protect your children while they are playing in the yard.

Unique and Interesting Facts

Mostly, they are seen with short hair and a little fur. They have a reasonable size and amazing appearance. Here are some unique and interesting facts about the said breed:

  • Black is the most demanded and well-known color coat of the Poodle family.
  • Apricot and brown coat Poodle dog’s color fade and become dull with age.
  • Brown and Apricot coat is commonly known as the Rufus gene.
  • They were initially tasked to catch fowls.
  • The breed remained famous from its birth in the 1700s with a few dips in the early 1900s.


The Brown Poodle, a good-looking dog, has a good reputation due to good behavior, self-reliance, generally good health, and overall playful and affectionate behavior. The dog is very intelligent and smart which helps to manage things effectively. The dog is easy to groom. It can turn into a guard dog on requirements. Overall, it can be considered for buying.

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