Red Golden Retriever – A Complete Guide to Understand

Red Golden Retriever is one of the most popular and demanding dog breeds all over the World and the United States is no exception. What’s different about the dog? It has a known history so we can plan and prepare accordingly before bringing the pet to our home.

Whether you’re worried about your loneliness, need constant therapy, or want to relieve stress by watching your kids with a heavily built dog, then said dog can be a good choice like a Red Nose Pitbull. There was a time when girls and women liked red but boys and males are more attracted to red dogs more often. Let’s find out what’s more interesting about the dog.  

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Red Golden Retriever

Red Golden Retriever Traits


21 to 24 inches


55 to 75 pounds


10 to 12 years


Red, or dark golden

Suitable For

Active and energetic people, Special love for red color


Intelligent, Friendly with kids and pets, therapy or service traits

Red Golden Retriever History & Origin

The history of the red Golden Retriever takes us back to the start of the 19th century. Lord Tweedmouth attempted to hunt and retrieve a dog and after a few experiments, he was successful. 

The first-ever Golden Retriever was achieved by crossing the yellow wavy Retriever with the Spaniel. But it wasn’t red colored. After a few years and some slight variations, he achieved Red Golden Retriever.

Mini Red Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever ranks 6th in the universe and 3rd in the United States. The original breed became famous immediately after its birth due to its intelligence and positive social behavior. Red Golden Retriever was not left behind in popularity compared to other breeds of the same kind.

The prominent reasons for its popularity are therapy, rescue, hunting, and sometimes protective dogs. Their astonishing appearance and distinctive look make them very charming. They are active and calm simultaneously, depending on the situation.

Formal Recognition by American Kennel Club

Golden Retrievers were officially recognized by AKC in 1925. Red Retriever has not been separately recognized rather it’s accepted among other color dogs of the same breed. However, they are known for their cool and heart-touching temperament.

Unique and Interesting Things About the Red Golden Retriever

Gentle Behavior

  The dog is popular due to its unrealistically gentle behavior like Miniature Goldendoodle, Micro Bully and Snickerdoodle dog. The dog non only behaves well with humans rather it treats animals equally well, except when feels threatened.

Golden Retriever

Cost of the Dog

The cost of the Red Golden Retriever depends on its age, environment, and overall health. It costs between $1000 to $3500. They aren’t among cheapest dogs.

Good Swimmers

Said dog has a hidden feature of being a good swimmer. Its double-coat helps to swim well and webbed feet help quickly reach any desired destination. 

Suffer Loneliness and Stress When Left Alone 

Red Golden Retriever has a long history of living with humans and recently one of the top choices for adoption as the family dog. So, it becomes difficult for the dog to survive without humans and other living creatures. So, beware of the fact that they have the potential to destroy your house apart when left alone like Australian or White Goldendoodle

Therapy or Service Dogs

Whether you wish a dog’s company when happy or in urgent need due to some stress and anxiety, then it will be a good companion. It will make you energetic, keep you busy in routine affairs, and help you forget negative thoughts for a good amount of time.

Are Red Golden Retrievers Good Dogs?

There isn’t any doubt about it being a good dog. They have a good reputation and positive perspective in the eyes of dog lovers. Here are some important considerations:


The breed has a double coat like Golden Mountain Dog which protects from water and weather. But that requires a cost. Its owner needs to groom the dog regularly and it will include brushing, bathing, and cleaning paws, feet, teeth, and ears. 


Hip, elbow dysplasia, cancer, and some eye-related issues may happen to the dog. Multiple factors affect the health and good upbringing of the dog. Normal issues can be sorted out personally at home but don’t delay taking your dog to the pet when the situation worsens.

Active and Energetic Life

A red Golden Retriever is an active and energetic dog like Moyen Poodle. They aren’t suitable for very small apartments. But if you’re looking for the small Retriever, the adopt the mini Golden Retriever. If you want to make a strong social bond with your dog, then take them to a good park, backyard, or any other healthy place so that it can expend its energies and remain fit and healthy.

Red Golden Retriever calm

Diet and Food Quality and Quantity

      Diet is as important for dogs as it’s important for humans. So, paying special attention to providing a high-quality diet to your Red Golden Retriever will help a lot in the future. Omega-3, protein, Egg shells and other natural ingredients should be included in the diet.

What is the Ideal Environment For Its Adoption?

  • People who can afford to provide love and respect for their dog in their routine and dog shouldn’t beg for any attention.
  • People who live active lives as it is impossible for your pet to live a day without doing any challenging task.
  • A nearby park or any other play area that is accessible for the dog at least 2-3 times a day. It will make him more calm, more positive, and mentally strong.
  • The breed has a special soft corner for kids. So, it will be a joyful moment for you when you will see them playing together.


Golden Retriever adopts the red color due to genetics.

Yes, they are very good and friendly with kids and young children.

Yes, they are very easy to train and they can learn anything within a few weeks.

They can have 4 to 12 puppies generally.


Red Golden Retriever has a vibrant color and a rich legacy that makes the dog rank higher by looks and traits. Adopting a dog has many advantages but adopting a genetically well-trained dog like said dog it’s spacious. You can go for the dog by paying attention to its grooming, health, and care regularly.

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